Package com.appsamurai.storyly.verticalfeed


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class StorylyVerticalFeedBarView @JvmOverloads constructor(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet?, defStyleAttr: Int) : STRVerticalFeedView

This class is the bar view of Vertical Feed Bar.

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This enum class represents available layout direction that be can set for customization

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data class StorylyVerticalFeedInit(storylyId: String, config: StorylyVerticalFeedConfig) : BaseInit

This class triggers initialization of Vertical Feed

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class StorylyVerticalFeedPresenterView @JvmOverloads constructor(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet?, defStyleAttr: Int) : FrameLayout
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class StorylyVerticalFeedView @JvmOverloads constructor(context: Context, attrs: AttributeSet?, defStyleAttr: Int) : STRVerticalFeedView

This class is the main view of Vertical Feed.

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data class VerticalFeedGroup(uniqueId: String, title: String, iconUrl: String?, iconVideoUrl: String?, iconVideoThumbnailUrl: String?, index: Int, seen: Boolean, feedList: List<VerticalFeedItem>, pinned: Boolean, type: VerticalFeedGroupType, style: VerticalFeedGroupStyle?, name: String?, nudge: Boolean)

This data class represents a vertical feed group in the Vertical Feed.

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data class VerticalFeedGroupBadgeStyle(text: String?, @ColorInt textColor: Int?, @ColorInt backgroundColor: Int?, endTime: Long?, template: String?)

This class represents a vertical feed group's badge style in the Vertical Feed.

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data class VerticalFeedGroupStyle(@ColorInt borderUnseenColors: List<Int>?, @ColorInt textUnseenColor: Int?, badge: VerticalFeedGroupBadgeStyle?)

This class represents a vertical feed group's style in the Vertical Feed.

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enum VerticalFeedGroupType : Enum<VerticalFeedGroupType>

This enum class represents the type of the vertical feed group.

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data class VerticalFeedItem(uniqueId: String, index: Int, title: String, name: String?, seen: Boolean, currentTime: Long?, previewUrl: String?, verticalFeedItemComponentList: List<VerticalFeedItemComponent>?, actionUrl: String?, actionProducts: List<STRProductItem>?)

This data class represents a vertical feed item inside a vertical feed group.

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data class VerticalFeedItemButtonComponent(id: String, text: String, actionUrl: String?, products: List<STRProductItem>?, customPayload: String?) : VerticalFeedItemComponent

This data class represents the ButtonAction component.

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data class VerticalFeedItemCommentComponent(id: String, text: String, customPayload: String?) : VerticalFeedItemComponent

This data class represents the Comment component.

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open class VerticalFeedItemComponent(id: String, type: VerticalFeedItemComponentType, customPayload: String?)

This parent class represents the interactive components which users are interacted with.

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This enum class represents the type of the components.

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data class VerticalFeedItemEmojiComponent(id: String, emojiCodes: List<String>, selectedEmojiIndex: Int, customPayload: String?) : VerticalFeedItemComponent

This data class represents the Emoji component.

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data class VerticalFeedItemImageQuizComponent(id: String, title: String?, options: List<String>?, rightAnswerIndex: Int?, selectedOptionIndex: Int, customPayload: String?) : VerticalFeedItemComponent

This data class represents the ImageQuiz component.

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data class VerticalFeedItemPollComponent(id: String, title: String, options: List<String>, selectedOptionIndex: Int, customPayload: String?) : VerticalFeedItemComponent

This data class represents the Poll component.

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data class VerticalFeedItemProductCardComponent(id: String, text: String?, actionUrl: String?, products: List<STRProductItem>?, customPayload: String?) : VerticalFeedItemComponent

This data class represents the ProductCard component.

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data class VerticalFeedItemProductCatalogComponent(id: String, actionUrlList: List<String?>?, products: List<STRProductItem>?, customPayload: String?) : VerticalFeedItemComponent

This data class represents the ProductCatalog component.

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data class VerticalFeedItemProductTagComponent(id: String, actionUrl: String?, products: List<STRProductItem>?, customPayload: String?) : VerticalFeedItemComponent

This data class represents the ProductTag component.

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data class VerticalFeedItemPromoCodeComponent(id: String, text: String, customPayload: String?) : VerticalFeedItemComponent

This data class represents the PromoCode component.

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data class VerticalFeedItemQuizComponent(id: String, title: String, options: List<String>, rightAnswerIndex: Int?, selectedOptionIndex: Int, customPayload: String?) : VerticalFeedItemComponent

This data class represents the Quiz component.

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data class VerticalFeedItemRatingComponent(id: String, emojiCode: String, rating: Int, customPayload: String?) : VerticalFeedItemComponent

This data class represents the Rating component.

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data class VerticalFeedItemSwipeComponent(id: String, text: String, actionUrl: String?, products: List<STRProductItem>?, customPayload: String?) : VerticalFeedItemComponent

This data class represents the Swipe component.