Package com. appsamurai. storyly
This data class represents a story inside a story group.
This data class represents the ButtonAction component.
This data class represents the Comment component.
This parent class represents the interactive components which users are interacted with.
This enum class represents the type of the components.
This data class represents the Emoji component.
This data class represents a story group in the StorylyView.
This enum class represents available animations that can be set for customization.
This enum class represents orientation of story group list
This enum class represents available story group sizes that be can set for customization
This class represents a story group's style in the StorylyView.
This enum class represents the type of the story group.
This data class represents the ImageQuiz component.
This enum represents the source of the storyly data
This class triggers initialization of Storyly
This enum class represents available layout direction that be can set for customization
This interface represents StorylyListener which notifies application when an event occurs in StorylyView.
This delegate represents the class which notifies application when an product related event occurs in StorylyView.
This class is the main view of Storyly.
This data class represents the Poll component.
This data class represents the ProductCard component.
This data class represents the ProductCatalog component.
This data class represents the ProductTag component.
This data class represents the PromoCode component.
This data class represents the Quiz component.
This data class represents the Rating component.
This data class represents the Swipe component.