# Storyly Targeting

This guide shows you how to show specific story groups using labels.

In the Storyly component, labels are called storylySegments. If you have already set your labels for your story groups from the Storyly Dashboard, then you are ready to go. As it can be seen below, the StorylyParam class has a parameter called storylySegments, which has the following definition:

    ..storylySegments = ['shoes', 'woman'];

In the StorylyParam class, the storylySegments parameter takes a set of strings that will be used in the process of segmentation to show specific story groups to the users. If a label of the story group in the dashboard is a subset of your segments given to SDK, Storyly SDK will show that story group. For basic targeting, it is enough to set the storylySegments parameter.

# Example Usage:

  • If you do not give any parameters to storylySegments, Storyly SDK will show all active story groups with/without labels. This is the default behavior.
  • If you set ["car", "man"] to the storylySegments, Storyly SDK will show the story groups whose label set is "car", "man", car" and "man" and lastly, it will show the story groups without labels.
  • If you set an empty value to the storylySegments, only the story groups without labels will be shown.

# Optional Unique Identifier

This section shows you how to send a custom parameter for analytical purposes.

Storyly SDK allows you to send a string parameter in the initialization process. In the StorylyParam class, storylyCustomParameters field is used for these analytical pruposes.

    ..storylyCustomParameters = '';


You are allowed to send a 200 characters string value with the storylyCustomParameters field. If you exceed the size limit, your value will be set to nil.